New Girl By Paige Harbinson

new girlThere has been an opening at Manderly Academy and “New Girl’s” parent get it for her as a surprise. Up until recently New Girl wanted to attend Manderly but now she doesn’t want to leave her home in Florida and go all the way up to New Hampshire. But when she first enters the door she’s viewed as Becca’s copycat. Becca Normandy went missing at the end of the previous year and that’s where the opening came from. The two girls, Becca and New Girl, have similar apprences but opposite personalities. Becca was the new girl the previous year. As soon as she arrives everyone likes her and the things she gets people to do leave a lasting mark and traditions at Manderly. Becca is confident and manipulative. She always get what she wants. New Girl is the opposite, she is self conscious and does what others want.
Everyone of Paige harbison’s charaters in New Girl are memorable. They all have flaws and at times and at points you don’t want to like them. Becca Normandy at first is only the mean girl, but that’s not all she is. The New Girl is shy and feels like she’s walking in Becca’s shadow but she stands up for herself. Max, Dana and all of the other minorish characters have many attributes. Her plotline is also intriguing and unique.
I couldn’t put this novel down. Paige Harbison’s writing is amazing and I can’t wait to read her other novel Here Lies Bridget.